Steven Crowder takes the streets once again to have real conversations with real people on hot button issues. In this edition, we talk abortion with the simple challenge: There Are Only 2 Genders. Change My Mind.
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00:00 - Intro
01:09 - Opening/There Are Only 2 Genders
01:21 - Thomas
01:55 - There are two genders: Male and Female
03:29 - Premise: Sex and gender are different
04:28 - If not two, how many genders are there?
06:10 - Feed, Interrupted SMU Student Activities tries to shut us down
06:34 - Why do we subscribe to the idea that someone can change an unchangeable attribute?
07:58 - If someone identifies as something, is it wrong not to accept it?
09:32 - Madison, co-president of LGBT organization on campus
09:53 - Premise: Sex and gender are different; sex is chromosomal, gender exists in the mind
11:05 - Facts about intersex, atypical cases
12:25 - Premise: Gender is a spectrum, it cannot be numbered
13:39 - "I identify as non-binary"
13:59 - "Misgendering is an act of violence"
14:50 - The "You're Privileged" argument
15:55 - Back to the gender argument
16:44 - Asking pronouns/how many pronouns are there?
17:21 - Feed, Interrupted Students want to turn it into a group discussion
18:15 - When did gender and sex become separate? Third genders in other cultures
19:20 - Practices in other societies is not justification for current behavior
21:15 - Society can be wrong
22:43 - Premise: The law is different from the societal standard
23:45 - How many genders are there?
24:35 - Again, using the wrong pronouns are an act of violence
25:52 - Feed, Interrupted The crowd wants to control the conversation
26:35 - Countries that allow for a third gender put them on a form
27:55 - Gender and sex are biological reality, not a societal or legal definition
29:10 - How many genders are there?
30:43 - Gender theory is new; there is no biological backing; it is based on an emotive response
31:40 - "Words are based on societal" Language is a reflection of standards
32:38 - Madison refuses to shake Steven's hand
33:00 - Therman
34:00 - Premise: Sex and gender are different; sex is based on reproductive potential, gender is a lifestyle
34:56 - Klinefelter Syndrome as an exception to gender binary
36:30 - Intersex exception still have definable characteristics
37:41 - Defining gender roles
39:17 - Does performing a gender role make someone a certain gender?
40:16 - Should you ask someone's pronouns?
40:45 - The terminology has been redefined to reflect cultural changes, not biology
42:19 - Shifting landscape is unfair when legal ramifications are involved
44:28 - If transgenderism is behavioral, should it be biologically treated?
47:00 - The current policy platform is that puberty blockers should be allowed
49:00 - Feed, Interrupted Someone calls Steven scum