Get your best dress on, Martha, we're going to a block party! From November 17, 1969, another full episode of The Street (#6). Highlights include: Ernie's A machine, Kermit's B Lecture (wherein Cookie Monster kisses him), Burt Lancaster says the alphabet, and ten, count 'em, ten new animations. Enjoy! CLICK ON SHOW MORE FOR INFO AND LINKS!
Only two repetitions from other episodes, both live-action films: Follow The Leader (kids going over, around, and through city obstacles) and Circles (Coca-Cola bottle caps, yo-yos, bubbles, etc.).
Two new live-action films: Close-ups of a tomato (music by Peter Schickele aka PDQ Bach and Joe Raposo singing George Gershwin's "Funny Face" with monkeys.
Brand new goodies: "Jazz #4", Four and Five Songs (aka The Baker), A for Alligator, A for Ape, B for Butterfly, B for Boxer, Eating the screen, Poverty X, and Ten Little Greeblies.
"Bert Presents the Number 4 and Cream Pie", where Bert calls Ernie a meatball and hits him in the face with a pie. Yeah, times were a tad different back then, lol!
Two new versions of "One of These Things" with Bob (Nonsense Shapes) and Gordon (Fruit and Shoes).
Gordon reads "Look At Me" by Marguerita Rudolph. Buddy and Jim: Buddy gives Jim a mirror they each think is a picture of themselves. The Anything Muppets sing "Brotherhood of Man" (from the 1961 musical, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying") and Susan sings "Draw Me A Circle" at the block party. Finally, Caroll Spinney announces the sponsors at the end as himself.
Much love and hugs to the trading source, a longtime friend of the archive {hugs!}