Looking as fresh as the day it was born (November 14, 1969), here's another full episode for you to enjoy! CLICK ON SHOW MORE FOR INFO AND LINKS!
Some highlights: The Anything Muppets sing "A Spoonful of Sugar", Bob doing "Up, Up and Away", Susan playing Woody Guthrie's "Going for a Ride in the Car-Car" on the guitar, Ernie and Bert looking for "The Mysterious Nose-Snatcher", the Alice Braithwaite Goodyshoes cartoon (Wet and Dry) and Ernie's reaction, Gordon and Bob building the letters E and W, Mr. Hooper's "Super Duper Secret Stealer Stopper", and Animal Antics (deer, turtles).
Guest spots: James Earl Jones counts to 10, Burt Lancaster (happy, angry, at home), and a young Luther Vandross sings "The Alphabet Song" as part of Listen My Brother.
Repeats: "E Imagination", "Wanda the Witch", "Jazz #2", Jazz #3", "Six Silly Sailors", "E for Egg", "W for Worm" "E for elephant, eagle, everything, and egg", claymation S, and "Body Parts Hurt Jump Rope Rhyme".
PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/Sesame_Street_FULL_Episodes
Much love and hugs to the trading source, a longtime friend of the archive {hugs!}
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