Originally aired November 13, 1969, here's my third FULL episode (Ep #0004) of our favourite kids show. And there was much rejoicing! ;-) The main Street story finds Mr. Hooper (Will Lee) taking a day off and letting Bob (Bob McGrath), Susan (Loretta Long), and Gordon (Matt Robinson) run the store for him. CLICK ON SHOW MORE FOR INFO AND LINKS!
Still a lot of repetition (The Baker #3, Jazz #2, Wanda the Witch, W for Worm, Es leaving, claymation E and S, E for Egg, Six Silly Sailors) with two new cartoons: "Octopus One-Man Band" and "Alphabet Soup".
Also look for Ernie and Bert and the bananaphone, the second Kermit Lecture (More and Less), the first two "Noises" films, a look at manhole covers, Bob playing "One of These Things" with food and a mitten, the "My Kitten" film, hands making pictures out of triangles and squares, Buddy and Jim (picture falling off the wall), Gordon reading "Stevie" by John Steptoe, and another of the segments I've called "Animal Antics", not an official title, with a parrot and some guinea pigs.
Much love and hugs to the trading source, a longtime friend of the archive {hugs!}
FIRST EPISODE: http://bit.ly/1XiG1Ne
PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/Sesame_Street_FULL_Episodes
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