Episode 3, first aired on November 12, 1969. It's a groovy day on The Street as we find Bob singing "Good Morning, Starshine" with the hippies that later perform "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", far out! CLICK ON SHOW MORE FOR INFO AND LINKS!
Look for some repetition (Six Silly Sailors, claymation snake, Jazz #2, The Baker #2 and #3, Wanda the Witch).
Other highlights include "What Kids Are Made Of", a film about beginnings (later re-edited into "A Little Bit (at the Beginning)"), the "Count Up Elevator" cartoon, Ernie and Bert blowing a fuse, Susan singing "I Enjoy Being a Girl", "Whose Baby Is This?" with film of a baby reindeer, and Body Parts vs. Heavy Equipment (with Jim's son, Brian Henson).
Much love to the trading source, a long-time friend of the archive {hugs!}
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